Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Describe and discuss the impact of lead time, variability, and service level on inventory quantities. - College Essays Cafe

Describe and discuss the impact of lead time, variability, and service level on inventory quantities.

Determine and describe how Maple Excellence Furniture Company can address each of the practical issues of managing inventory and increase their forecasting accuracy.

– Maple Excellence Furniture Company currently utilizes single period ordering modeling. Would they improve operations and inventory control by using multiple order opportunities?

– What changes would be required for Maple Excellence Furniture Company to change from a periodic to a continuous inventory review practice. Describe which method would be best for the company to practice.

– How can Maple Excellence Furniture Company utilize risk pooling to address variability in their supply chain?

Homework 2: 3 pages and 2 references:

This module focused on the Warehouse department. For this portion of the Project, answer the following questions and submit your answers as a Word document:

1. What are the primary and secondary objectives of this department?

2. Are these objectives in conflict with other departments and, if so, why?

3. What are the largest challenges facing the department?

4. What are the challenges to integrating this department with the remainder of the supply chain?

5. How can technology help this department?


Designing and Managing the Supply Chain; Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies. Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky & Simchi-Levi, (2022), 4 th edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 9780073403366

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